Well... ATI 4670 with SnowLeopard on PC it's tricky for me... there are many described ways to make it work but none worked for me. Magic was: i had it running for about a week and then suddenly it stopped working! I looked everywhere, order another cable (it haven't came till now ;)), i was pissed off so much that i even tried to back to windows (which caused me another pain)...
Ok, so here is the deal: it works with PCI_EFI 10.5, vanilla kexts, "GraphicsEnabler=y -pci0" (-pci0 or -pci1 depends on motherboard type) arguments at boot time (it's all kind of normal with SL on PC) but (!) my vga monitor have to be plugged into vga output WITH dvi2vga dongle inserted into dvi slot! If i put my monitor into dvi through dvi2vga or vga only - there is no way my 4670 would work.
I really have to buy Mac.
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