czwartek, 1 września 2011

Amazon EC2: Permission denied on SSH

I run into a problem with connecting to Amazon EC2 instance using RSA key. I've put my public key on the server in authorized_key's file but the remote server were denying my connection with:

Permission denied (publickey).

If you ever run into that kind of problem try to check your remote logs, everything became clear when I did that:

tail -f /var/log/secure
Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/----/.ssh

So, I simply changed .ssh directory permissions to 0700 and it start to work. Great!

sobota, 20 sierpnia 2011

SSH login using keys

If you login on some remote ssh server often, you should consider using ssh keys to login without authorizing with password every each time. To achieve that goal server you want to login to need to know your local account and then let you in without asking for password. So first of all we need to generate key to identify local account:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

You should not enter any passphrase. Now you should have ~/.ssh/ file (it's a default file, you could change the path of course) that is your public key that will be seen from the outside (kind of security passage ;)). So you need to put that key on the server, so it could identify your account. To do it you should place content of your local to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server (if this file does not exists - create it, f it exists do not erase it, just append your key on the end of the file - you can access you server's account via public keys from many remote accounts if you want to).
To copy your key to the server you can use copy & paste if you use some gui or use "oldschool" method:

cat .ssh/ | ssh server_login@server_address 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'

After that you should be able to login on the server without any password. It is also very useful if you have some other services on the server that use ssh protocol - git is a good example.

niedziela, 31 lipca 2011

git remote repository

Let's assume we have some external server that we want to use as main/backup repository and we have ssh access to this server. First thing is to create base repository on the server:

mkdir PROJECT.git
cd PROJECT.git
git init-db --bare

Then, on the client side:
git init

git remote add origin SERVER_PATH
git config branch.master.remote origin
git config branch.master.merge master

git add .
git commit -a -m 'initial commit'
git push origin master

The SERVER_PATH should be like:

And we are done.